Monday, November 15, 2010

Swimming Day

Today we went swimming. Corina has been dying to go swimming for a long time.  She got spoiled when we lived in TX.  You could swim till October and everyday was perfect.  We did swim everyday when we were there.  Here you can only swim outside a few days of the year because of the weather.  All over the place here they have fitness clubs and the one near us has an indoor pool. Yesterday was family day so we went.  We had a great time.  Even I had a great time and I say that because I had to stay out of the pool because I forgot the top part of my swimsuit.  DUH!  I had a good time watching the kids and Mark play together.  It was Aurora's second time to swim ever.  We had a little floaty vest for her and she swam all over the pool.  She did awesome! Gwyneth had a good time too, and of course Corina was swimming like a fish.  Afterward when we were on our way out to the car the girls found these HUGE leaves.  I think they were from a gumball tree.  Everyone had a great time.  I can't believe next week will be Thanksgiving.  This will be only our second Thanksgiving away from home.  This week we will probably make some Thanksgiving crafts like Turkey hands and things like that.  

Mark swimming with the girls.

Mark and Gwyneth

Having a great time swimming.

Corina in the pool.

Gwyneth on a floaty and below Aurora with the big leaf.  
Have a great week.


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Guy Fawkes

The week after Halloween was a good week. We were still excited about all the kids that came to the door for trick or treating.

Friday night the school behind us had a carnival for Guy Fawkes Day. Click here to find out more about him. I knew they were going to have a fireworks display that night at 6pm. Just for the record it has been getting dark here at 4pm and dark all the way here by 5:30 at least! We saw a few fireworks set off from the school and from other in the community. Around 7 was when the fireworks really started. Aurora heard them and she a Corina were so excited. We went out in the backyard and the girls jumped onthe trampoline while the fireworks went off. It was like the 4th of July. I took Gwyneth outside to watch them. She didn't know what to do. It was so cute. She had this look of shock because of the sound, then she would look in awe at the firework, then the boom at the end she had a look of fear. Then she would look at Corina and Aurora jumping and laughing and not know what to think poor kid. We had fireworks for 3 nights in a row and we could see them all around our house from all the different towns around.

Today Mark has had off for Veteran's Day. It's been a good day.  Tomorrow night is parent's night out on the base.  I don't know what we will do yet.

As for the girls Gwyneth is really developing her personality.  She always examining everything and trying her best to communicate.  Aurora is seems like since her third birthday has really grown up a lot.  She loves to learn and read.  Corina is becoming a young lady.  She is so compasionate and always thinking of projects to do and ways to help. They are great kids.

Until next week.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Fun!

We had a great Halloween. Tuesday Corina had a birthday party to go to and then she had a Halloween party to go to. She had a great time. They bobbed for apples and watched Monsters Inc. Earlier that morning we had went to the base and found out that trunk or treating was going on so that night after the Halloween party we went trick or treating on the base. There was a long row of cars lined up to trunk or treat and on of the main houses on the base had a Willy Wonka theme and there was woman dressed as Willy Wonka handing out candy. They even had a grandpa in a bed handing out candy and you could win a golden ticket and get a prize. It was pretty cool.

Around our neighborhood you could barely tell it was Halloween. People kept saying that Halloween is an American thing. We did hear that we would get lots of trick or treaters though. So we didn't know what to expect. That day we set our pumpkins out and put our spider webs out on the front door. That was way more than anyone else did in the neighborhood. That night we had about 300 trick or treaters. Mark handed out the candy. He had a great time. Actually we ran out of candy and he started giving the kid candy corn out of the bag. Even after we had turned our light off people we still knocking and ringing our doorbell and asking for candy.

Some of the people that came to the door asked if we were Americans. The teenagers we really interested about that. Also some people were excited to see the candy corn because they had heard about it but never seen it because they don't have candy corn in the UK.

So next year we will be getting more candy! Check out my slide show of our Halloween Fun.

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