Last week I'm pretty sure that the girls had a tea party everyday. We have had our little tea party set for a while. It's just a little plastic Cinderella tea set that Corina got for Christmas one year. Well Aurora has rediscovered it. The first day Aurora and Corina played with the tea set and got it all set up and played with Aurora's fake food. By the end of the week they were using water in the pitcher for tea and real food. They had a really good time. One time Mark went upstairs and found Aurora having a tea party in our room on the floor at the foot of the bed. I guess she thought a smaller sister would not bother her there. he he. Finally at the end of the week I decided to take some pictures. I think this was the last tea party. You can really only have so many tea parties I guess.
Here is the tea party group.
Corina and Auror enjoying their tea (water) Pinkies out!
Corina daintily drinking her tea.
Here is Gwyneth. She thinks she a big girl having a tea party too and sitting in the big chair at the counter.
Other than tea parties I have been preparing for homeschool next year and trying to figure out what to buy. Also, next week we go for out sonogram appointment to see what we are having. My neighbor says she thinks it a boy. Everyone she knows is having boys so maybe it will spread to me. My friend said she thinks it a girl. She said we have 3 girls might as well have one more. We will see.
Have a great week.
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