Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A Full Fall Week.

We have had a pretty full week this week.  This week we are taking off of school like the English schools do and having some down time (sort of).  :)  This weekend started off with Corina going with her girl scout troop pumpkin picking.  It was a place called Hill Farm and it was by where we used to live in Peterborough. It was beautiful there.  We drove down this long road to get to the farm and parked and went out to where the pumpkin patch was and there was a beautiful view there. 

Sunday Corina got invited to go swimming with some friends so it we had to little kids.  I told Aurora she got to be the big sister that day.  She thought that was pretty cool.  Mark decided to rake some leaves and of course the girls wanted to help.  They jumped in the leaves and raked and ran and threw leaves in the air.  They had a good time.  The first picture is Mark and Aurora doing a leaf transfer from rake to rake.  Later on Mark said that he could have done his job quicker with out the kids but then realized that they helped him till the very end and thought that was a pretty good quality.  

 I realized that I hadn't taken any pictures of Wesley recently so I got out the camera and took some candid shots of him with the girls.

 The other day Aurora asked if she could get out the umbrellas.  She and Gwyneth have these really cute umbrellas with a see through part so you can se through the umbrella while you are walking in the rain.  They thought it was really cool to sit on the couch and watch tv through the viewing part.  After a while I covered the with a blanket with the umbrellas and it was like a tent. They played like that for about 2 hours.
 Here is Gwyneth's and Aurora's turn to go pumpkin picking.  They went with their playground.  Here is Gwyneth in a cool swing they had in the park area there.
 Aurora with one of the may pumpkins she picked out.
 The girls with some pumpkins
 Here is a picture of Corina with her pumpkin.  The view there was so great.  On the other side of the pumpkin patch they had a strawberry patch.

This weekend is trick or treat weekend for us. The girls are super excited.  

Hope everyone has a great week.  

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Three Months Ago

Finally after three months I am doing a blog post.

A ridiculous amount of things have happened since I last wrote.

  • 3 weeks before I gave birth we found out we were moving on the post
  • We had Wesley July 19th
  • A few weeks after the movers came and moved half our stuff out of the house and it's in storage.
  • August 16th, Gwyneth's birthday and moving day.  
  • Signed the lease to the house on the post and said good bye to out nice big house.  
  • Start homeschooling
  • Corina's birthday.
  • Lot's of soccer games.
  • Aurora's birthday
  • Wesley is 3 months on the 19th!
That's not even all of it!

I thought I was going to be able to update the blog a lot sooner but as soon as we came home from the hospital after a very eventful birth our internet was shut off because we were moving.  We moved and had to wait a month and a half before we could get internet and phone because that's the way it works over here.....  So below is Wesley then and now.  How time flies!

A week old

 Almost 3 months old.
What a cute little guy!  His sisters love him and are always trying to make him smile.  

Aurora enjoying a chocolate cupcake on her 4th birthday.
Yes Aurora is 4.  My goodness.  She is great with Wesley and she is a little smarty pants too.  I've been doing some school stuff with her and she is really surprising me.  (Don't you love it when your kids surprise you?)

Well that's all for now.  Partly because I'm typing this one handed because i'm holing Wesley.  ;)

 Have a great week!